最後更新日期: 2021 年 10 月 9 日
【成班細路扮大人】播客 Podcast: Supposedly Adults
Welcome to Supposedly Adults! We are four supposed adults making sense of the world, learning how to be a slightly better person, and just trying to make life suck less!
【成班細路扮大人】播客 Podcast: Supposedly Adults 以每節大概四十分鐘的閒談,以年輕人的角度,嘗試用佛學的概念理解生活上的困難和趣事,希望大家支持!睇埋 Facebook 的 Post 啦 !
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第二十二集*
#22 Do You Know That You’re Toxic? | Toxicity, Boundary, Communication
Losing my head, spinnin’ ’round and ’round… Do you know that you’re toxic?
Sorry, no, not the Britney Spears’ kind of toxic (Free Britney?) but you-are-actually-making-me-unhappy-and-I-am-so-stressed-to-talk-to-you kind of toxic.
In this episode, four supposed adults talked about our experiences with toxicity in the family and friendship, how we were both the “victim” and the “toxic person”, how we learned to set boundaries (even with our beloved parents), and how communications really help.
But honestly, this is just so hard, we don’t really know what we are doing so we would love to listen to your advice!
Hey, fellow supposed adults, thank you for supporting our podcast!
We have no friends so please share this with more people, and leave us a rating and review for my self-worth! Also, come hang out with us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook (@supposedlyadults)!
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第二十一集*
#21 What’s It Like Growing Up In 4 Continents? ft. Aliaa Gouda | Third Culture Kid, Outsider, Opportunities
Third culture kids are people who were raised in a culture other than their parents’ or their nationality. This poem by Ijeoma Umebinyuo epitomized life as a third culture kid: “So, here you are, too foreign for home, too foreign for here. Never enough for both.”
In this episode, we are very happy to have a friend of ours, Aliaa, joining us! Aliaa is a 24 years old PhD student but unlike many others, she has already moved across 4 continents. We chatted about her experience living in 4 different countries, her struggles of being an outsider, how this experience has shaped her worldview, and many more!
Hey, fellow supposed adults, thank you for supporting our podcast!
We have no friends so please share this with more people, and leave us a rating and review for my self-worth! Also, come hang out with us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook (@supposedlyadults)!
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第二十集*
#20 Are Podcasts Eating My Brain? | Constant Stimulations, Emptiness, Mindfulness
So… we cannot believe this is our 20th episode! We’d like to shout out to you, whether you are a regular follower of the podcast (you, my friend, are in a very exclusive club, so please feel very special!) or a first-time listener (you are also in a very exclusive club so you should feel special too, and let’s be friends?), thank you so much for supporting us! We started this podcast simply because we wanted to help people to find a bit of comfort in knowing that you are not the only one struggling and you are not alone in this journey, so again, massive thank you for listening!
In this episode, four supposed adults discussed why we listen to podcasts, our needs to be constantly stimulated, walking meditations vs eating meditations, why it is very important to keep asking ourselves questions, and many more!
Hey, fellow supposed adults, thank you for supporting our podcast!
We have no friends so please share this with more people, and leave us a rating and review for my self-worth! Also, come hang out with us on Instagram and Facebook (@supposedlyadults)!
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十九集*
#19 Am I A Kung Fu Panda? | Illusion of Control, Inner Peace, Planting Seeds
“Everybody is Kung Fu fighting~ Your mind becomes fast as lightning~”
Honestly, Kung Fu Panda is such a classic. Every time this song comes on, it’d bring back fond memories… So in this episode, four supposed adults did a movie re-watch and discussed our favourite scenes in the movie, our biggest “woke” moment, the importance of planting good seeds and having good intentions, and many more!
Also, kids, if you want to be successful and never be disappointed, aim lower. While we are at it… why shoot for the star when you can stay humble and grounded, amirite? #wisdom #storyofmylife #thisiswhyiamafailure #sorrymom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/supposedlyadults
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supposedlyadults
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十八集*
#18 Bro… Was I Being Ignorant? | Hindrance of Preconceived Knowledge
Have you seen people who are such experts in their fields that they become narrow-minded and refuse to take any other perspectives? Are you that person? That’s called the hindrance of preconceived knowledge. We are so bounded by the knowledge and theories that we have and became so narrow-minded and blinded to everything else.
In this episode, four supposed adults discussed how our pride and knowledge hindered us from accepting other people’s view, how such hindrance affected our lives, what we can do to be more aware of it, and how someone was trying to cook a chicken by slapping it 50,000 times!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/supposedlyadults
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supposedlyadults
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十七集*
#17 Why Can’t I Be Happy For You? | Insecurity, Jealousy, Pride
Says no one: I’m always happy for everyone around me for their successes.
In this episode, four supposed adults discussed why it is so difficult to be genuinely happy for other people’s happiness, how we get angry at really nice people, how annoying it is to have Asian uncles and aunties telling us to be a doctor, and really, how horrible we are as human beings.
But you are not horrible. You are nice, and this is why you would listen to us. The world needs more people like you. =)
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十六集*
#16 Is Self-Care Selfish? | Mental Health, Inner Critic, Compassion
Close your eyes. Stay focused on your breathing. Let your mind wanders. Relax. This moment belongs to you and you deserve this little piece of peacefulness. You got this, friend, you deserve this.
In this episode, four supposed adults talked about how to be kind to ourselves, how important it is to take care of ourselves so we can be available for other people, and how to negotiate with our inner critic and inner child.
So yes, don’t be so harsh on yourself, friend! You are doing so well, you don’t even know it 🙂
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十五集*
#15 Am I A Gossip B-? | Intentions, Consequences, Words
Real talk: if you have to say “no offence”, then it’s probably offensive. So if you are one of those people, no offence, but you might be a Karen. #dontbeakaren
In this episode, four supposed adults discussed their dramas at work, whether they have been gossiping or not, if venting to somebody is the same as gossiping, and what is the line between caring and gossiping about somebody.
Honestly, maybe silence is gold, maybe I should stop talking to people, maybe I should stop talking about my dump last night…… and now you know why I have no friends.
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十四集*
#14 Do I Deserve To Go To The Good Place? | Karma, Religions, YOLO
The Good Place is honestly one of our favourite TV shows…… it always puts us in a good place (sorry not sorry).
In this episode, four supposed adults discussed how they love the fact that The Good Place depicted the world is not just black and white, what YOLO means to us in different contexts, why being a Mormon somehow makes you a better feminist, and why the fact that knowing there’s an end to everything is actually a good thing.
So yeah, come join us, because you deserve to go to the good place.
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十三集*
#13 2020…… What Was That?! | Impermanence, Change, Honesty
So yeah, 2020 happened. It was so horrific we couldn’t come up with a dad joke for it. We’ll do better next year.
In this episode, four supposed adults reflected on the past year, talked about how we’ve all learned that nothing in life is permanent, shared our favourite quotes with each other, and one even confessed his love to his girlfriend (SO SWEET EH?).
2020 sucks balls. But don’t worry, we are here to make it suck less!
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十二集*
#12 Why Am I On Your Close Friends List? | Friendship, Fate, Sharing
Everybody has that friend who snorts when they laugh, who regifts and makes sure you know about it, who farts in the elevator, or never show up at events. So why are they on your close friends list but not me? 🙁
In this episode, four supposed adults talked about why some friendships do not last forever, how fate plays a role, and how we can change our fate and keep all of our friends if we really want to!
(Sorry if I am yelling and getting emotional, you’re my only friend and I am clingy.)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/supposedlyadults
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supposedlyadults
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十一集*
#11 What If I Just Run Them Over? | Driving, Getting In Your Head, Inner Demon
Imagine this: You are stuck at a red light. You see a guy crossing in front of you. And you think, “what if… I just run him over?”
Anybody? Yeah, me neither (insert Homer Simpson meme).
In this episode, four supposed adults discussed how we learned to drive in different countries, the intricacy of changing lanes in different driving culture, and how not thinking about driving somehow makes you a better driver (I know, crazy right?)
Also, PSA: Asian women do not equal to bad driver. Thank you for your attention.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/supposedlyadults
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supposedlyadults
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第十集*
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) *第九集*
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) 第八集
Supposedly Adults (成班細路扮大人) 第七集
我哋講下我哋作為亞洲人👲🏻既經驗 – 係外國有無俾人歧視?係荷李活點樣睇我哋亞洲人?究竟點解人對自己種族或者國籍咁執著?身分認同對人究竟有幾重要呢?
Supposedly Adults (成班細路扮大人) 第六集
我哋傾左從麻雀🀄️悟到嘅人生道理 – 究竟係咪有吸引力法則呢?有信心係咪就會贏?如果唔好心隨境轉呢?
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) 第五集
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) 第四集
Supposedly Adult (成班細路扮大人) 第三集
Supposedly Adults (成班細路扮大人)第二集
Supposedly Adults (成班細路扮大人)第一集
#Supposedly Adults #成班細路扮大人
社會劇變,心靈失所,透過與大眾談心,談至深處的感悟,提供新的角度和靈光,與大家一起修心修行,轉化生命,生時自在,死時自主,擁抱幸福。<談心談深> 頻道由「福慧國際慈善基金」製作。
透過各位嘉賓的分享,帶領觀眾領略生活中處處都能體悟佛法中的道理,漸漸培養出 佛法生活。
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