My Extraordinary Sunday (我的非凡星期天)

最後更新日期: 2019 年 8 月 4 日




I am 8 years old. When other children of my age are playing football or taking math classes, I go with my parents listening to the dharma teachings of H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III on Sunday mornings.

At the beginning, I was not sure who is this person who is so respected by everyone in the temple. Questions kept coming to my mind. I thought “What is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III talking about? Is it something serious?  What is it? “ Some classmates meditated before the dharma teaching started, and I admired their calmness.

“Gong” the rin gong went. People started to quiet down.  “Ring” went the bell.  The temple is very crowded indeed. My family and I sat and waited quietly.  The dharma teaching started. The rin gong and the bell made sounds again. We knelt down and sang the Heart Sutra and we chanted ‘H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’ 21 times. Sometimes the teachings are long, sometimes short. If they are short then we would listen to two pieces of teachings that morning.

Every 15 minutes, the teaching would pause and the Rinpoche would translate in Cantonese for us.  As the teachings are taught in Putonghua, for the benefit of fellow classmates who do not understand Putonghua, hence the translation. The dharma teaching is very important to every classmate in the room. I get a lot of value out of it, not just to cultivate my Buddhist learning but more importantly to apply what Buddhist teachings I have learnt in every day life.

For me, I am very lucky to have a place like this to listen to dharma. I have learnt that all beings are equal and therefore not to kill living beings in the world.  Also, I learnt to do good deeds, and not to tell lies.  But, I also enjoy playing football, my favourite hobby, with my dad sometimes.

Little Spring Onion

我今年8歲。當同齡的其他孩子在周日早上去踢足球或上數學課,我卻跟隨我的父母恭聞 H.H. 第三多杰羌佛的法音及學習佛法。


罄響起了…人們開始安靜下來。我和我的家人也坐下來,靜靜地等著。我們會跪下來,唱誦心經,念誦 H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛 佛號21次。然後,法音開始了!有時候法音長,有時短。





筆者: 小蔥

文章來源: 快樂人生
#第三世多杰羌佛 #福慧行 #佛教 #修行

7 comments on “My Extraordinary Sunday (我的非凡星期天)”

  1. Chris


  2. 初心

    Congratulations! You learnt the most important dharma!

  3. 海鷗

    這位八歲小朋友,根器果然高呀。 但其實根器高還有他的父母, 帶他來學習如來正法, 比花上幾千元去課外活動的家長, 更懂得選擇。

  4. 實在人

    八歲就能聞得至高無上的佛法, 好大的福報! 恭喜!!

  5. 小蒜


  6. 小冰點


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